SEA Making “Waves” on Climate – March/April 2013 Update

There has been a lot of action taken or “Waves” made by SEA members since the March meeting that haven’t yet been posted here.   Some are listed below, but if you have done something, whether attended a presentation or done research to increase your knowledge on a climate related topic, participated in a Beyond Coal or other meeting, attended a rally, written letters, made phone calls, or marched, you can add them by using the comment box below this post or adding your own description of what you did or know someone else from SEA did with details such as time, date, venue and tips.

Here are a just of few activities that deserve acknowledgement as Seattle Environmental Activists Making Waves!

  • SEA members set up two tabling events at the Fremont PCC market to facilitate letters to the State Department being written and submitted in response to the EIS written for the Tar Sands XL Pipeline, including Mike D, Mary D, Karen, Bill and Carol, Susan S and others (please, raise your hands by commenting, below, if you know of others to include in this great effort).
  • A dozen or more SEA Members joined together for dinner at the Shalimar in the UDist and/or attended the movie “Fierce Green Fire” on April 5th, including Mike D, Mary D, Jack B, Susan E, Bill and Carol, Karen and David, Bruce, Susan S, and Ellen, (please add any missing names).
  • Isa and Mary M participated in an Idle No More rally sponsored by several NW Tribes, including the Lummi Nation, who oppose taking coal out of the ground and shipping it through ports such as the proposed GateWay Pacific Terminal near Bellingham.  This proposed port would impact ancestral burial grounds of the Lummi Nation as well as lead to 9 to 18 mile and half long trains coming along Puget Sound waterfront areas, including Seattle, Edmonds, Everett and Bellingham.
  • Susan S, Isa and Mary M attended a presentation at REI on April 8th by Dr. David Peterson, a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize who works at the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Research Station, where he researches the effect of climate change on mountains and forests throughout the western United States.  Event was sponsored by the Sierra Club.
  • Isa, Mark and Mary M attended the Beyond Coal meeting the third Thursday of March and collaborated on actions that can be taken to keep the opposition to coal ports alive while the EIS scoping review and draft EIS is written.  Plans are for an outreach leafleting to businesses along the Seattle Waterfront on Tuesday, April 16th and those interested can meet at the Sierra Club to carpool at 2:30 that afternoon.
  • Susan S, Weldon, and Mary M attended a showing at the Meaningful Movies night on the impact of the Tar Sands strip mining of bitumen in the movie H2Oil on March 29th.  Michael Foster and others provided information on actions that people can take to help stop fossil fuel use.
  • Others?  Add them in the comments or by posting.  They will be shared at the next SEA meeting on April 14th, and at future events, so that we can all be aware of how much is being done and learn from each other on how to make effective “waves” to stop the use of fossil fuels and reduce global warming!

About SEActivists Admin

manager of SeattleEnvironmentalActivists' blog
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1 Response to SEA Making “Waves” on Climate – March/April 2013 Update

  1. Mike Dash says:

    Here’s more on the tabling: Mary D wrote the letter, a call for John Kerry to step up and be the hero he was once ant that we need again. Mike wrote the pipeline FAQ. Karen and David brought table, chairs and stamps.

    Day 1 tally: 161 signed letters (!)
    Day 2 tally: Bill and Carol got signatures at their church and at PCC — total of 104 more!
